Orientation & Certification
the Workshops page for dates and times.
AFTV5 provides orientations and basic certifications to volunteer producers. The orientations are scheduled every month on Saturday mornings. Each class will introduce participants to AFTV5, our guidelines and procedures, as well as basic equipment operation. After completing an orientation, participants are certified to use our equipment and commence work on their productions. The orientations are free & open to the public.
An AFTV5 member can receive basic certification in Field Production and Editing. Basic Field Production Certifications are scheduled every month after the orientation. Once certified with an active membership status, the Producer can reserve and use AFTV5 ‘s studio, cameras and staff to produce local television programming about its interests.
AFTV5 members will be instructed on how to use field cameras, lights and microphones to put together basic programming. Each member will be trained and receive hands-on training and experience with proper camera set up and framing technique as well as basic audio and lighting principals and operations.
Basic Editing Certification
Basic Editing Certification - Learn how to take your footage and edit
it together to create a story or package an event. Introduction to Final
Cut Pro, members will learn the benefits of using hard drives and how
to set and manage files for editing. They will also receive hands-on
experience with editing their own footage in the Timeline sequence and
using basic text graphics. Members must make a reservation to train for
up to 3 editing sessions with AFTV5 Volunteer & Educational
To RSVP, fill out our Request for Services Form. Select Training, and
let us know that you are interested in the upcoming Orientation and
Basic Certification.
If you would like more information, please email us at info@aftv5.com.
Producers' Forums
Producers' Forums are quarterly meetings held by the AFTV5 for its community producers. These forums provide producers with the opportunity to network with each other, discuss their upcoming projects and address any AFTV5 related concerns.
Producers can also screen their programs to their peers and receive comments and constructive criticism. Additionally, AFTV5’s staff informs the producers about updates in AFTV5 policy, upcoming events, projects and opportunities, and areas of AFTV5 development. Producers' Forums are great opportunities for AFTV5 producers to become a part of the local television community and to network for crew and talent for upcoming projects.